Demi Goddess Interview with Mary Osborne Internationally acclaimed professional surfer and environmental activist, Mary Osborne is an undeniable force of nature who has inspired hundreds of thousands of people around the world with her Nereid spirit whilst motivating females of all ages to be their very best during her highly sought after Surf Camps and Surf & Yoga Retreats. Osborne Archives Mary Osborne catching a wave in El Salvador. It all began in Ventura, California where Mary grew up. “I love the water, the exhilarating feeling of being one with the ocean”, she told DemiGoddess Chronicle. The harmony of Mary’s sea nymph spirit symbolizes everything that is beautiful. She possesses a special serenity and kindness that even Poseidon, the God of The Sea, would be impressed by. Mary Osborne and her dog "Brick". DemiGoddess Chronicle Mary Osborne and her dog “Brick”. Photo credit: DemiGoddess Chronicle Mary’s undeniable athletic talent and...
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